Web Passport

A simple, passwordless account access solution.
These days, every website has a login, and with that comes usernames and passwords. Remembering all those usernames and passwords is not so simple. Enter Web Passport.
What is this?
Log in to websites using your web passport; a feature allowing you to scan a QR code with your web app on your mobile, and securely log in to access your account. No username, no password, just simple fast access to the site.
How does this work?
Using your secret key on your mobile phone, you sign a login message and send it to the website. If it is verified, you gain access. Simple!
But like, how?
The website presents you with a QR code. In this code is a unique reference to that site. Your phone reads this, and reads the message, signs it with your key, and sends it to the website for validation. It then uses your public key as your username and finds your account, logging you in if the signature is correct.
Does this use ServerChain?
Yes and no. It uses the technology behind the wallet, but not the chain itself. It also uses the network node to validate your digital signature, but it does not create a transaction and does not have any cost.